
Studying Climate Change With Plant 多样性 Data本杰明•卡特

卡尔·W. Sharsmith on-campus herbarium, tucked away in Duncan Hall, is a little known 菠菜网lol正规平台 treasure that houses preserved plant specimens, along with data including when and where the specimens were collected. Sharing this information across many herbaria is critical to the field, leading to a better understanding of which species are threatened by habitat destruction or climate change. 本杰明•卡特 and his students are leveraging this unique trove of information by generating a specimen image database that will be folded into the UC Berkeley California Consortium of Herbaria. 生成的编译 of images will be accessible to any一个 in the world. Researchers—and the broader public—will be able to contribute to climate change research by collecting data from these images. Carter’s interest in plant diversity began during his undergraduate studies at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, where he was heavily influenced by his botany professor, David Keil. “He has an absolutely encyclopedic understanding of California plants—their names, where each 一个 lives, their particular preferences for different kinds of habitats— but he has retained his sense of wonder at discovering 新事物. He taught me the importance and also the rewards of building a deep personal knowledge of the natural world.” 


Ilbert Bourang

Ilbert Bourang, ’19 Biology (concentration in Systems Physiology) places a plant specimen in a custom-built lightbox that will capture a high resolution image of the specimen for use in climate change research.

Biological 科学s, College of 科学 
Sponsor: National 科学 Foundation 

菠菜网lol正规平台 研究基金会 2019 年度报告